Mongooses of the World

Autor: Andrew Jennings, Geraldine Veron
Lehekülgede arv: 160
Ilmumisaasta: 2019
Kauba ID: 15860559
Müüja: Pro Baltic 4.5
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24. juulist



24. juulist


Tähelepanu! Tarneajad on esialgsed ning selguvad pärast tellimuse vormistamist ja tasumise aega. Lõplik tarnekuupäev on märgitud tellimuse kinnituses.

Omniva pakiautomaat

24. juulist


Smartpost pakiautomaat

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DPD pakiautomaat

24. juulist



24. juulist



24. juulist


Tähelepanu! Tarneajad on esialgsed ning selguvad pärast tellimuse vormistamist ja tasumise aega. Lõplik tarnekuupäev on märgitud tellimuse kinnituses.

Pakkumised teistelt müüjatelt
5563 7476
Müüja: Pro Baltic 4.5

Toote kirjeldus: Mongooses of the World

Mongooses are a remarkable and fascinating group of small carnivores, with 25 species occurring in Africa and nine in Asia. They live within a wide variety of habitats, from open savannah to dense rainforest, and display an amazing diversity in social behaviour, with both solitary and group-living species. Yet this family is one of the least-known group of carnivores. The general lack of public awareness about most mongoose species, and the scarce ecological knowledge of what they need to survive in the wild, are two of the many conservation threats that this group of carnivores faces, which highlights the urgent need to promote an interest in these amazing animals. As well as popularising mongooses, the book will be a valuable source of information on general scientific and conservation topics, such as social behaviour and how the loss of suitable habitats impacts animal species. Recent cinematic films and TV documentaries on meerkats and banded mongooses have been very popular, but people are much less familiar with the other mongoose species that live across Africa and Asia - most of these are rarely seen in the wild and are very poorly known, and several have not been studied in the field. One African mongoose was only discovered by western scientists in 1958, and several others are only known from a few museum specimens and recent observations in the wild. This well-researched, lavishly illustrated book will give a comprehensive overview of the whole mongoose family, including all the different aspects of mongoose biology, their role in human society and the conservation issues that they face, as well as detailed information on all 34 mongoose species.

Üldine tooteinfo: Mongooses of the World

Kauba ID: 15860559
Kategooria: Entsüklopeediad, teatmeteosed
Tootepakendite arv: 1 tk.
Paki suurus ja kaal (1): 0,03 x 0,17 x 0,24 m, 0,3 kg
Kirjastus: Whittles Publishing
Raamatu keel: Inglise keel
Kaane tüüp: Pehme
Vorming: Traditsiooniline raamat
Tüüp: Loomadest
Raamat väljavõttega: Ei
Autor: Andrew Jennings, Geraldine Veron
Lehekülgede arv: 160
Ilmumisaasta: 2019

Toodete pildid on illustratiivsed ja näitlikud. Tootekirjelduses sisalduvad videolingid on ainult informatiivsetel eesmärkidel, seega võib neis sisalduv teave erineda tootest endast. Värvid, märkused, parameetrid, mõõtmed, suurused, funktsioonid, ja / või originaaltoodete muud omadused võivad nende tegelikust väljanägemisest erineda, seega palun tutvuge tootekirjeldustes toodud tootespetsifikatsioonidega.

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Mongooses of the World
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Teie küsimus on edukalt saadetud. Sellele küsimusele vastatakse 3 tööpäeva jooksul
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Müüja: Minced 4.4
(239 ostja hinnangud)

Omniva pakiautomaat

2. augustist

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5563 7476