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Ava oma e-pood – kasvõi igas Balti riigis ning isegi Soomes!
PHH Group Marketplace on suurim e-kaubanduse platvorm Baltikumis ja Soomes. Eestis jõuab Sinu kaup ostjateni e-kaubamajas; Lätis; Leedus ja Soomes e-kaubamajade kaudu.

Liitu juba täna, Sind on ootamas 11,5 miljonit potentsiaalset ostjat!
1. Kliendid juba ootavad
150 miljonit seanssi aastas
Turul tuntud ja tuttav e-kaubamaja
2. Lihtne e-poe haldus
Müügimaksete tasuta kogumine
Palju erinevaid reklaamivõimalusi
Tasuta klienditeenindus tööpäeviti esmaspäevast reedeni 8-20 ning laupäeval 9-15.
3. Sul on meie tugi
Isiklik müügijuht ja professionaalsed nõuanded
Kasutusjuhendid ja õppematerjalid
Meie e-kauplemise platvorm: usaldusväärne viis jõuda Baltikumi ja Soome ostjateni
11,5 mln
potentsiaalset ostjat
1,8 miljonit
aktiivset ostjat
410 000
külastajat päevas
3 mln
tellimust aastas

E-poe avamine on lihtne ja kiire!

1. Registreeru
Täida vorm ja isiklik konsultant võtab e-poe avamiseks Sinuga ühendust
2. Allkirjasta leping
Täpsusta tingimusi ja allkirjasta koostööleping. Müügilepingu üldtingimused leiate siit.
3. Ava e-pood klientidele
Laadi tootekirjeldused, fotod ja hinnad oma kontole
4. Palju edu!
Isikupärased turundusvõimalused ja personaalne tugi Sinu e-poele
Mugav e-poe platvorm placeholder
Mitu viisi kauba lisamiseks
Piiramatu arv korraga Exceli või Google Sheetsi abil
Käsitsi ükshaaval
Automatiseeritult XML-feediga
Tellimuste haldus
Lihtne tellimuste haldus
Müügitulemuste jälgimine ja analüüs
Kaubatagastuste töötlemine
Tarnetähtaegade haldus
Saadetiste kleebised saad süsteemist
Sina tarnid oma e-poe tellimused Kaup24 kesklattu
Kaup24 hoolitseb, et kaup jõuaks sealt ostja juurde!
Käive ja maksed
12 turvalist makseviisi ostjatele
Kiire käive: Sinu e-poe eelmise kuu müügisumma maksame välja hiljemalt järgmise kalendrikuu 20. kuupäeval
Fullfillment by Pigu lao- ja logistikalahendus; müügi halduseks Pigu Marketplace e-kaubanduse müügiplatvorm
Tähtis teada
Iga riigi jaoks saab e-pood määrata eraldi hinnakujunduse, kaubajäägid, allahindlused ja tarneajad.
Kaupade aktiveerimiseks on vajalikud EAN-tootekoodid (ei kehti käsitöö kategooria puhul).
Esimene foto peab olema valgel taustal ilma täiendavate atribuutideta. Igal kaubal peab olema vähemalt kaks JPG- või JPEG-vormingus fotot.

Integreerimisinfo kauplejatele

Kiiremaks ja lihtsamaks veebipõhiseks ostlemiseks pakume väljatöötatud integratsiooni kõige populaarsemate e-poodide platvormidega - „PrestaShop“, „OpenCart“ ja „WordPress“. See e-süsteemide liides võimaldab:

Luua XML-faile ja kasutada neid oma olemasolevate kaupade ja saldoandmete ülekandmiseks otse Kaup24-süsteemi
Lihtsamat ja kiiremat andmeedastust teie kauplus(t)e ja Kaup24 süsteemi vahel
Tagada andmete järjepidevust ja vähendada vigade tõenäosust

Allalaadimismoodulid leiate oma isiklikule Kaup24-kontole sisse logides.

Korduma kippuvad küsimused
Kas ma pean kauplema kõigis Balti riikides?

Ei: iga e-pood valib ise riigi(d), kus kaubelda soovitakse. Lisaks võib iga riigi jaoks eraldi sortimendi, hinnakujunduse ning tarneajad valida.

Kas leping on tähtajaline?

Leping on tähtajatu ja selle saab igal ajal lõpetada. Teenuseid osutatakse kokkulepitud tingimustel seni, kuni lepingupooled (või üks pooltest) otsustab koostöö lõpetada. Lepingu lõpetamine ei too kaasa täiendavaid lisakohustusi.

Kas sortimendi kogused on piiratud? Kui palju erinevaid tooteid võin oma e-poes müüa?

Sinu e-pood, Sinu otsus: meie e-kaubamajas ei ole Sinu tootesortiment kuidagi piiratud.

Kas ma võin kaupa reklaamida, kohaldada hinnaalandusi või muul viisil erineda teiste müüjate üldisest sortimendist?

Muidugi: igal e-poel on oma isiklik konto ja võimalus kampaaniaid korraldada ja soodushindasid määrata. Meie e-kaubamaja ehk marketplace on lihtsalt platvorm Sinu e-poe toetamiseks. Läbimüügi pideva kasvu tagamiseks aitab meie meeskond Sinu e-poe jaoks personaalse hinnakujunduslahenduse valida.

Kuidas saab tellimusest saadetis?

Saabunud tellimuste kinnitamiseks logi sisse. Seejärel tuleks kaup pakendada; meie süsteemis juba automaatselt genereeritud tarnekleebis välja trükkida ning pakendile kleepida.

Kui müüme samasugust kaupa, kas siis peavad minu kauba hinnad kattuma teise müüja kehtestatud hindadega?

Iga e-pood haldab oma kauba hinnakujundust meie e-kaubamajas ehk marketplace platvormil ise. Seega otsustad Sina seda, kas soovid hinnakujunduselt teistest erineda või sarnaseid hindasid rakendada.

Kuidas toimub arvete väljastamise protsess?

Te saate valida, kas koostate arveid ise või soovite, et meie süsteem koostaks arved teie eest. 

Kuidas saadetis õigesti pakendada?

Kõige tähtsam on pakendada saadetised nii, et kaubad ei saaks transpordi ajal viga ega kaoks ära. Kui toote saadetised meie lattu, siis kasutage pakendamiseks karpe. Loe lähemalt siit.

Meie platvormi e-poed kiidavad

Uudised Marketplace after 5 years: spectacular growth and trust of customers Marketplace after 5 years: spectacular growth and trust of customers
PHH Group Marketplace, the Baltic e-commerce leader, which operates under the name of in Lithuania, celebrates its 5 years anniversary. Over this period, Marketplace fulfilled 8,5 million customer orders and grew its sales to more than EUR265 million. It now offers more than 4.3 million products and great prices for Baltic and Finish customers as well as the bestselling conditions for the sellers. The best place to sell and buy online "We remain true to our strategy of being the best online Marketplace – a convenient shopping experience for our customers and a successful trading experience for our sellers in the Baltic States and Finland. We continue to invest in creating value for our customers – good prices, a wide range of products and fast delivery. We provide sellers with a convenient infrastructure, end to end service of each individual order in 5 languages, exceptional trading conditions and the opportunity to grow their sales in foreign markets," says Jakub Stefański, Head of PHH Group Marketplace. This year, Marketplace has brought many new benefits for both customers and sellers. For example, the company offered customers in Estonia and Latvia free delivery, while sellers in all countries saw a significant reduction in commissions and Fulfillment by Pigu fees. "By introducing a new commission calculation model for sellers, we have become the cheapest place to sell online in Baltics and Finland," says Mr Stefański. Furthermore, Marketplace is currently introducing a new logistic method linking sellers directly with customers, accelerating delivery times. As of November 2024, sellers will be able to drop-off parcels to Omniva, Itella Smartpost and LP Express (Unisend) warehouses in Vilnius, Kaunas, Riga and Tallin or to their lockers – more than 3000 – across whole Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The same logistic possibilities will be available in Finland from next year. The updated commission system encourages sellers to expand their product range and offer customers well-known premium products at competitive prices. "At the same time, we are giving our clients the opportunity to find both economy products and well-known premium brands at a better price on our virtual shelves. Today, Marketplace customers can choose from a wide range of products – from pencils for school to e-bikes, saunas, gazebos, furniture, investment gold bars and computer equipment. The fact that some bought items cost up to €6,000 means that customers feel safe, trust the Marketplace, the quality of the goods and the delivery," says Mr Stefański. Growth and expansion According to Mr Stefanski, the fact that PHH Group's Marketplace grows by 60-70% every year, both in terms of sales and revenue, shows that the company is on the right track. "We are about to enter the busiest trading period of the year - the Christmas sales. So, here's an example of how sales volumes have grown during that period: in the first year of operations – December 2019 Marketplace's sellers received 1737 orders, the second year's Christmas – 79971 orders and the last one in 2023 – almost  half a million orders! The growth is spectacular," says the Head of PHH Group Marketplace. According to him, Marketplace, which 5 years ago became a lifeline for businesses constrained by the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions, today serves as a tool for sellers to expand their activities into new markets. "Having opened the gateway to trading in different markets, we are delighted that more and more sellers are taking advantage of this opportunity. More than 90% of our sellers sell crossborder across Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia with just 1-click enabling international expansion from 1 to 3 locations. Today, our e-commerce solution is the most convenient for sellers wanting to reach the Baltic and Finnish markets," says Mr Stefański. According to him, one of the most important steps was the Marketplace launch in Finland in 2023. Today more than 500 sellers successfully sell on the Finnish Marketplace. "It has never been easier to sell online and reach customers in foreign markets and we feel that we have directly contributed to this change," says Mr Stefański. Looking ahead, Stefanski says that the company will continue to focus on expanding the number of sellers, especially targeting foreign sellers, expanding the product range, maintaining its market leadership in the Baltic States and strengthening its position in Finland. Marketplace launches new commissions tax model Marketplace launches new commissions tax model
From 1 September, the Marketplace will offer even better conditions for selling online. introduces a new commissions tax model for sellers, with reduced commissions for all product categories and even more attractive conditions for well-known premium brands products. At the same time, this means good news for customers – they can expect better prices and an extended range of products. The implementation of the new commissions tax model took several months. This is one of the most important projects Marketplace has undertaken in recent years. It has several key objectives focused on meeting the needs of sellers and customers. "First and foremost, the aim of this project is to make our Marketplace the best place to trade in the Baltics and Finland. Lower commissions enable sellers to be competitive, to sell more and to earn more. And considering the whole Marketplace infrastructure, the services and opportunities which we provide for sellers, I can confidently say that Marketplace is currently the best and cheapest place to sell online in Baltics and Finland," says Jakub Stefanski, Head of Marketplace. The second goal of the project is to meet the needs of customers by expanding the range of products and offering premium products at competitive prices. "We want all customers to find what they need in our online shopping center, whether they are looking for economy products or well-known premium brands. Our most important aim is to provide the best shopping experience for all our customers – in terms of assortment, prices and delivery," says J. Stefanski. "So, in order to increase the number and range of well-known premium brands, we have introduced a new method of calculating commissions for this category of products. From 1 September, the commission rate will vary depending on the price of the product. Take the watch category for example – the commission used to be 15%, now it has been reduced to 10%, but if an item costs more than €500, it will only be subject to a 5% commission fee. We hope that these innovations will encourage sellers to offer more premium brands on Marketplace and thus fulfill customer’s needs," J. Stefanski explained the new commission model. Commissions will be automatically recalculated in the Marketplace system, without any additional steps for sellers. Commissions for all product categories are announced in the Seller console and publicly available online – the final list of commissions is published here. is owned by PHH Group, the largest e-commerce company in the Baltics. It was formed after the merger of the Lithuanian company with the Finnish retail giant Hobby Hall. PHH Group operates Marketplaces in Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The Group's Marketplace ecosystem is operated by more than 4,000 sellers, with a product range of more than 3 million products. The number of sessions per year is around 150 million.

Meie partnerid

Meie marketplace'l kauplevad tuhanded müüjad ja see arv kasvab pidevalt. Kõik nad vajavad kvaliteetseid tootefotosid, tootekirjeldusi, IT- ja muid teenuseid. Töötame koos usaldusväärsete partneritega, kes on oma ala tõelised professionaalid ja suudavad pakkuda meie müüjatele kvaliteetseid teenuseid.

Integratsioon, veebilehtede arendamine

Raamatupidamine, ärijuhtimine ja finantslahendused

XML partnerid


Toodete pildistamine ja fotode retušeerimine

Kas soovite oma teenuseid pakkuda? Hakka partneriks!

Praegu vajavad meie müüjad järgneivaid teenuseid:


Ostjate ligimeelitamiseks vajavad kauplejad kvaliteetseid tootefotosid ja fotode viimistlusteenuseid. Seetõttu otsime partnereid, kes pakuvad vastavaid teenuseid. Tule e-poodide partneriks

Vajame tõlketeenuseid

Meie e-poed vajavad tootekirjelduste jaoks tõlketeenuseid leedu, vene, poola, läti, eesti ja soome keeltest! Otsime usaldusväärseid tõlketeenuseid pakkuvaid partnereid. Tule e-poodide partneriks

XML-i ettevalmistamise teenus

Meie marketplace müügiplatvormi kaupu laaditakse üles XML-i abil. Seetõttu otsime partnereid, kes on spetsialiseerunud XML-i programmeerimisele / arendamisele / parandamisele. Tule e-poodide partneriks