America: Made in Britain

Autor: Tom Arms
Lehekülgede arv: 352
Ilmumisaasta: 2021
Kauba ID: 12188361
Müüja: Pro Baltic 4.5
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Tähelepanu! Tarneajad on esialgsed ning selguvad pärast tellimuse vormistamist ja tasumise aega. Lõplik tarnekuupäev on märgitud tellimuse kinnituses.

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Müüja: Pro Baltic 4.5

Toote kirjeldus: America: Made in Britain

An original exploration of the United States' birth out of British culture and influence - the real origins of the "special relationship." A key element of the American dream is an unwavering belief in its uniqueness. Somehow, it has become an article of faith that the United States emerged from the political mists of 1776 as a fully-formed and unparalleled political entity without a past and with a special destiny. America: Made in Britain proves this to be false&;providing an important corrective to received wisdom about the US and an original insight into its "special relationship" with the UK. This books explains how the United States was the result of political, social, economic, philosophical, and religious developments that preceded the arrival of the Pilgrim Fathers by centuries and continued to be the overwhelming influence on the political development of America during the colonial period and beyond. The greatest influence was Britain. The colonists were almost entirely from the British Isles. They were governed by British laws. British philosophers guided their thinking. British economic needs determined their trade and future development patterns. British religion, wars, suppression, and political debates spurred immigration. The fight to restore cherished British rights and liberties drove colonists to the brink of rebellion and beyond. The Declaration of Independence and the US constitution are littered with British philosophical, legal, and political fingerprints. The Magna Carta and English Common law are regularly cited in Supreme Court Judgements. Because of this, what happened in Britain centuries ago has an impact on American life today. And what was done by the British in America also influences contemporary Britain. The "special relationship" that exists between the UK and the U.S. did not start with the Atlantic Charter and the comradeship of World War II and the Cold War. Its roots were laid before the arrival of the first Jamestown settlers in 1607 and have spread to link the two countries at every conceivable level. America: Made in Britain examines the British roots and explain how they contribute to contemporary American life and will continue to do so.

Üldine tooteinfo: America: Made in Britain

Kauba ID: 12188361
Kategooria: Ajalooraamatud
Tootepakendite arv: 1 tk.
Paki suurus ja kaal (1): 0,44 x 0,18 x 0,02 m, 0,3 kg
Kirjastus: Amberley Publishing
Raamatu keel: Inglise keel
Kaane tüüp: Kõva
Vorming: Traditsiooniline raamat
Tüüp: Ajalooline
Raamat väljavõttega: Ei
Autor: Tom Arms
Lehekülgede arv: 352
Ilmumisaasta: 2021

Toodete pildid on illustratiivsed ja näitlikud. Tootekirjelduses sisalduvad videolingid on ainult informatiivsetel eesmärkidel, seega võib neis sisalduv teave erineda tootest endast. Värvid, märkused, parameetrid, mõõtmed, suurused, funktsioonid, ja / või originaaltoodete muud omadused võivad nende tegelikust väljanägemisest erineda, seega palun tutvuge tootekirjeldustes toodud tootespetsifikatsioonidega.

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America: Made in Britain
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