This second of a twovolume set depicts the exciting adventures of the Early Church, as found in the Acts of the Apostles, for 7 to 11yearolds. The book in the Bible known as Acts is all about what Jesus did after he went back to heaven after the resurrection. In it we see how the good news about Jesus spread all over the known world. David Luckman retells every story from Acts in language that is easy to understand and, with help from illustrations by Silvana Di Marcello, shows how Jesus death and resurrection wasnt the end of the story. Volume One contains stories from the beginning of Acts up to chapter thirteen, and Volume Two contains chapters fourteen to twentyeight. Each twopage spread features one story, as well as these additional features: Look Back Read a passage from earlier in the Bible and see how God planned these events from long ago. Check This Out Read another passage from the Bible that relates to this one and see how they connect. Think Spend some time thinking about how what youve read is relevant to your life. Adventures in Acts will help seven to elevenyearolds engage with the breathtaking events of the Early Church in a totally new way!