A full-color book looks at the globalization of visual arts in recent years, including developments ranging from exhibition histories and the rise of new art spaces to art's branding in such emerging markets as Asia, the Middle East and the Gulf States. Original.
The geography of the visual arts changed with the end of the Cold War. Contemporaryart was no longer defined, exhibited, interpreted, and acquired according to a blueprint drawn up inNew York, London, Paris, or Berlin. The art world distributed itself into art worlds. With theemergence of new art scenes in Asia and the Middle East and the explosion of biennials, the visualarts have become globalized as surely as the world economy has. This book offers a new map ofcontemporary art's new worlds. The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New ArtWorlds documents the globalization of the visual arts and the rise of the contemporaryover the last twenty years. Lavishly illustrated, with color throughout, it tracks developmentsranging from exhibition histories and the rise of new art spaces to art's branding in such emergingmarkets as Hong Kong and the Gulf States. Essays treat such subjects as curating after the globalturn; art and the migration of pictures; the end of the canon; and new strategies ofrepresentation.