The best-selling guide to the first year of fatherhood, trusted by hundreds of thousands of new dads and their partners. This indispensable handbook, from the author of the million-selling Expectant Father, provides a reassuring month-by-month overview of your babys first year. It covers the milestones in your childs development; ways you can bond with your child and support your partner; and whats going on with you, as a new dad. The fourth edition of The New Father features a user-friendly new design and is updated from cover to cover with the latest information about healthcare, financial planning, parental leave and work-life balance, and much more. It incorporates the expertise of leading pediatricians and researchers, and the real-life experiences of hundreds of dads and mums. Illustrated with stress-relieving cartoons, The New Father is a friendly, readable, and inclusive companion for all new dads. (Mums will love it, too!).