"Coach Joey D" Diovisalvi and "Coach K-Wayne" Tullier have spent years optimizing the bodies, swings, and careers of the game’s top PGA and LPGA Tour players. Now, for the first time, their Tour-proven exercises, drills, and philosophies have been collected in a single volume to let anyone train like the game’s elite players.The walls of the Joey D Golf Sports Training Center in Jupiter, Florida are ringed with banners -- each representing a Tour victory by a player that trains there. Each giant banner is a permanent tribute to the player that earned it and further proof of the unparalleled level of training being done at the facility. Currently, over 60 banners hang on the walls.Hang the Banner takes golfers inside the minds and methods of two of the most sought after and winningest strength, conditioning, and biomechanics coaches in PGA TOUR history. They understand what it takes to help players reach their goals. And in Hang the Banner, they share their proven methods and fitness program to help golfers of all levels move better, feel better, and play better golf."