Go Be Brave: 24 3/4 Adventures for a Fearless, Wiser, and Truly Magnificent Life

Автор: Leon Logothetis
Количество страниц: 200
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 17345239

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Описание товара: Go Be Brave: 24 3/4 Adventures for a Fearless, Wiser, and Truly Magnificent Life

Leon Logothetis, host of the popular discovery+ series The Kindness Diaries and author of Go Be Kind, returns with a brand-new set of adventures and a brand-new call to action: Go Be Brave! Bravery goes far beyond running into burning buildings. It's what makes us human and what allows us to connect with others. It's the foundation of a truly magnificent life-if only we're vulnerable enough to embrace it. In his travels across the world, Leon Logothetis-"The Kindness Guy"-has met some of the kindest people around. What he discovered along the way was that bravery wasn't what he thought it was. True bravery means being kind, making connections, and tapping into the deep fearlessness that defines us as human beings. Now, in Go Be Brave, Leon shares 24 (and 3/4) new adventures for a fearless, wiser, and truly magnificent life. Bravery is a choice-the choice to reconnect to our humanity-and it's one we can make every single day. Go Be Brave is a simple concept and a simple journal that will strengthen your being-human muscle and remind you how brave you truly are. With Leon cheering you on, you will: Go on a treasure hunt to find your very own Bravery Buddy Build a strategy for love-to both offer and accept more of it Learn to say "yes" to adventure, and embrace saying "no" to things that don't serve you. Tackle your biggest fear-whether it's spiders or having a difficult conversation with a loved one Bravely share your greatest dream with the world (or email it to Leon) Some of the adventures will be fun (ice cream sold separately), some will be serious, some will be hard, and a few will crack you up. But all of them will have the power to change your life, and the lives of those around you. So go out there, and #GoBeBrave.

Общая информация o: Go Be Brave: 24 3/4 Adventures for a Fearless, Wiser, and Truly Magnificent Life

ID товара: 17345239
Категория: Самоучители
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,14 x 0,22 м, 0,43 кг
Издательство: BenBella Books
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Персональное развитие
Автор: Leon Logothetis
Количество страниц: 200
Год публикации: 2023

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