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She Speaks Fire: Battling Shame, Reigniting Your Faith, and Claiming Your Purpose

Автор: Mariela Rosario
Количество страниц: 240
Год публикации: 2024
ID товара: 30063518

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Описание товара: She Speaks Fire: Battling Shame, Reigniting Your Faith, and Claiming Your Purpose

"Leader of the popular women's ministry She Speaks Fire, Mariela Rosario shares her story of abandonment and drug use to emphasize her powerful message of overcoming shame so that readers can embrace their purpose and live boldly in the love of Jesus"--
Leader of the popular women's ministry She Speaks Fire, Mariela Rosario shares her story of abandonment and drug use to emphasize her powerful message of overcoming shame so that readers can embrace their purpose and live boldly in the love of Jesus.
Come Out of the Shadows of ShameDeeply wounded as a child, Mariela Rosario grew up with pain that seemed too profound to heal. She fell into toxic habits of drug use, people-pleasing, and shame. Then, alone in her house in 2015, Mariela experienced a miraculous encounter with God that prompted her to turn away from those destructive patterns and begin attending church. As her relationship with Jesus deepened, she launched a ministry to help other women overcome their past hurts so that they, too, could walk in freedom and joy. Because when a woman’s God-given purpose is activated, she speaks fire.In this transformative book Mariela draws on the biblical story of the garden of Eden to explore eight lessons about shame that will nourish us and lead us to live authentically, powerfully, and freely. As Mariela shows us how we can return to sweet communion with God and ourselves and live in community with others, she helps us seewhy the seed of shame might be holding us back from God’s call,what it looks like to let go of the need for others’ approval,who our real enemy is and why he will never win, andhow to bravely own our stories so we can help others find freedom too. Feelings of shame can feel so overwhelming that it’s hard to know how to move forward. She Speaks Fire will give you the encouragement and validation you need to take that first step—and every bold step after that—to live an authentic and loving life on fire for God.

Общая информация o: She Speaks Fire: Battling Shame, Reigniting Your Faith, and Claiming Your Purpose

ID товара: 30063518
Категория: Духовная литература
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,02 x 0,14 x 0,22 м, 0,29 кг
Издательство: Thomas Nelson Publishers
Автор: Mariela Rosario
Количество страниц: 240
Год публикации: 2024

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