In this new book, Andrew B. Newberg is advocating a whole new relationship between religion and science, he proposes not that the two stay neutral with regard to each other, but that they help each other in their quest. Augustine once defined theology as fides quaerens intellectum, faith seeking to understand. Newberg wants to establish a partnership between that quest and mens quacrens intellectum, the brain seeking to understand. Neurotheology would, of all things, introduce and require a sense of humility and awareness of need of help in both science and religion. The tone of this whole book is an excellent start in that direction. Ronald Murphy, S.J., Georgetown University, USADrawing on decades of empirical research and engaging centuries-old questions from philosophy and theology, Newberg charts for us both the "state of the art" and a vision for the future of the emerging interdisciplinary field of neurotheology. Carefully acknowledging the complexity of the tasks at hand, Principles of Neurotheology courageously sketches the opportunity and promise of new answeres to age-old questions as complex as the soul, God, and free will---a critical resource for researchers and readers engaged in work at the intersection of religion, theology, and science. David A. Hogue, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, USAThis fascinating book contains everything a person might want to know about the link between theology and the neurosciences, a rapidly growing area of scientific investigation. Written by one of the first researchers to examine brain activity during spiritual experiences, this volume lays the basic foundations for this new field of neurotheology. Clearly written and easily accessible, Principles of Neurotheology is filled with information that both scientist and layperson need to know about the neurological basis for religious and spiritual experiences, and should be required reading for anyone interested in the faith-health connection. Harold G. Koenig, Duke University, USA