Масла, гели для душа
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Tetesept масла, гели для душа

В корзину

Sustainable Investing: Socio-Economic Impacts of Exchange-Traded Funds examines the social and economic effects of sustainable investing ETFs and their impacts on the global financial system. The book presents the key issues with regard to sustainable investing, discussing exchange-traded funds mechanisms and categories in comparison to competing investment funds. The book outlines the theoretical determinants of ETF markets development and the effects of their diffusion, both at the investor and firm levels, as well as financial system, entire economy, and society levels. The book presents various possible implementations of sustainable investing, and covers the methodological aspects of their identification and categorization. Hybrid investment products-such as exchange-traded funds that combine the investment features of mutual funds with the trading features of stocks-are one of the most rapidly growing categories of investment funds with their total global value reaching almost $5 trillion. The book examines the linkages between ETFs and the FinTech sector in the context of sustainable development, as well as global sustainable development policies in relation to their effects on the popularity of sustainable investing. The book concludes with a discussion of the significance for other entities that may be affected, such as policy makers and recipients of funds invested through sustainable investment strategies.

Тип: Соль для ванны, шарики

Vannipärlid tüdrukutele, 60 g

Тип: Соль для ванны, шарики

Vannisool Hello, 80 g

Тип: Соль для ванны, шарики

Vannisool Tetesept Tervise Antistress 80 g

Тип: Соль для ванны, шарики

Soojendav vanni ekstrakt Tetesept Atgal, 125 ml

Тип: Пенка для ванн

Vanni kontsentraat Tetesept, 125 ml

Тип: Пенка для ванн

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