A comprehensive collection of Virginia Satir&;s research and teachings around the nature of humanity, author Barbara Jo Brothers has written the first ever tribute to the Mother of Family Therapy&;s life-work, capturing the essence of Satir&;s groundbreaking philosophies about the human race and the impact human&;s have on the Earth. In her career, the &;Mother of Family Therapy&; Virginia Satir strove to make life work better: for the individual, for families, for the entire world. With a training objective of &;becoming more fully human,&; Virginia believed that the principles for peace within families could be extrapolated to peace within the &;world family.&; Having formulated her groundbreaking philosophies from her clinical observations of hundreds of families in multiple countries, Virginia&;s practices continue to impact the world at large, spreading peace and understanding. More than just a testament to Virginia&;s legacy, Well-Being Writ Large is a window into her thinking&;a &;biography&; of a deeper understanding of the nature of the human being and how that human being might live better in her or his world. Author, licensed clinical social worker, and Virginia scholar Barbara Jo Brothers has painstakingly researched and drawn from Virginia&;s works&;including books, articles, interviews, and transcribed lectures&;personal notes made over the course of Satir&;s career, and direct conversations during Brothers&;s own exten- sive residential training to compile the most complete, most essential collection of Virginia Satir&;s work.