"No one greeting card can fully do justice to the fierce, authentic, often quirky, and-no matter what-complex bond that forms between sisters. Enter Sisters, the perfect tribute one sister can give another to say how much she appreciates her. The authorsand illustrators, Alice Lieu and Doris Lieu, are sisters themselves. They are also co-owners of the delightfully cheeky stationery company ILOOTPAPERIE-and Sisters brings all of the bright, bold artwork, funny engaging text, and attitude of their paper products to the idea of sisterhood. They come at it from all directions: Famous sisters, including Linda and Loretta Sanchez, the only sisters to serve in Congress together. Words to live by: A sister is . . . someone who helps you put sunblock in the hard-to-reach spots and tells you when you've got white streaks all over your face. Plus fill-in greeting card prompts, Things Only a Sister Knows, and more. As poet Christina Rossetti said, "There is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather.""--
A gift book that celebrates sisters, written and illustrated by a pair of sisters, with bright and bold artwork, quotes, and warm, funny text about this special and often quirky bond between siblings.
Tell your sister how you really feel! A sister is&; A sidekick. An accomplice. A sometime nemesis. And your teammate for life, there to give you peace of mind and believe in you unconditionally (even when you don&;t). Sisters: Better Together is the perfect tribute one sister can give to another to say how much she appreciates her. A gift of humor, camaraderie, and love, Sisters is written (of course!) by a sister duo, Alice and Doris Lieu, who bring all of the bright, bold artwork, funny and engaging text, and attitude of their ILOOTPAPERIE paper products to the idea of sisterhood. And they come at it from all different directions, from Sister Movies We Love, to Famous Sisters, to Things Only a Sister Can Know, to quotes: &;For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather.&; &;Christina Rossetti