Each book covers all the necessary information a beginner needs to know about a particular topic, providing an index for easy reference and using the series' signature set of symbols to clue the reader in to key topics, categorized under such titles as Tip, Remember, Warning!, Technical Stuff and True Story.
Explains how to utilize the power of self-hypnosis to overcome a variety of anxiety, emotional, and behavioral issues, providing techniques and tips to bring about positive changes and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Use the power of suggestion to conquer bad habits, overcome anxiety, and boost self-esteem These days hypnosis has become much more than a parlor game, involving dangling watches, and helpless subjects. When used therapeutically, hypnosis is a way of engaging the subconscious mind to find solutions to problems. And self-hypnosis, a self-induced form of hypnosis that makes use of self-suggestion, is a way of changing deeply rooted behavior patterns. Written by two experienced hypnotherapists, Self-Hypnosis For Dummies is a hands-on guide to achieving specific goals through hypnosis. You will learn how to retrain your subconscious to think in more healthy and constructive ways in order to overcome any number of problems, including losing weight, overcoming anxiety or phobias, curing insomnia, or putting an end to smoking and nail biting. The techniques are completely safe with you in control at all times Contains an audio CD with guided accompaniments to hypnosis Enabling you to clear your mind and focus on particular thoughts, self-hypnosis, like meditation, offers a pathway to freeing yourself of debilitating problems. And this safe, practical guide offers you the keys to this life-changing technique.