Wales is said to be the most haunted country in the world, and its capital city is no exception. Cardiff has been at the heart of many of the country’s defining historical events, from bloody clashes with invading armies to ecstatic moments of sporting jubilation, and the ghosts connected to these occasions do not rest easy. Paranormal Cardiff takes the reader on a spine-chilling journey to dozens of supposedly haunted locations, which range from well-known tourist destinations to more secluded spots off the beaten track, each with its own eerie tale to tell. These include: the haunted theatre where stars of the past continue to tread the boards, a vengeful eagle that protects a fairy-tale castle from thieves, the fashionable manor house plagued by a daily supernatural visitor, the ‘cursed’ changing room in the national sports stadium, and the spooky streets of Llandaff, which inspired the twisted imagination of a young Roald Dahl.Paranormal Cardiff takes the reader into the world of ghosts and spirits in the city and the surrounding area, following their footsteps into the unknown. These tales of haunted places, supernatural happenings and weird phenomena will delight the ghost hunters, and fascinate and intrigue everybody who knows Cardiff.
A fabulous collection of ghostly hauntings in Cardiff. These tales of haunted places, supernatural happenings and weird phenomena will delight the ghost hunters.