We typically think of a 'chatterbox' as someone who talks a lot but Sandy Chappell prefers 'a person who likes to chat'. Isn't that what we all want for our children? A love of language and talking? How to Raise a Chatterbox guides parents through the stages of speech and language development from age 0-5, providing information, strategies, and tips that will help children to learn to talk more easily and more confidently. The book discusses the reasons behind the advice and the research studies that support it so that parents can make an informed decision about which advice they choose to follow. The book includes hundreds of suggestions for games and activities. Parents don't need to make any more time in their day; they can simply adapt daily activities such as getting dressed, eating meals, travelling in the car etc. Sandy has also included lots of games and activities that they can do with their child to give them an extra boost, if they have the time. Parents don't need to buy any special materials; she gives suggestions of how household objects and simple toys can be used to make great speech and language activities. A child's speech and language skills may be developing as parents would expect but they simply want them to be the best they can be before they start school; or parents may feel they are behind in certain areas and would like specific guidance to help them to catch up. This book is for all parents, grandparents and carers of pre-school children who want to make the most of those precious pre-school years that fly by, and that we now know give us the best opportunity to 'Raise a Chatterbox'.