You’ve come this far - how do you improve your day-to-day working life and move your career forwards As professionals reach middle to senior level in their organisation, they need different skills to do their day-to-day role effectively and positively, continue their career progression and fulfil their potential.Being proficient in your profession alone is insufficient, you need to develop other capabilities related to how you communicate yourself, engage with others and deal with every professional scenario effectively and confidently.This book will help you master these skills to successfully navigate professional life, progress and have greater career satisfaction. It’s for middle to senior level people, predominantly in professional and financial services who have either hit a challenge or stumbling block (maybe you know what or why, or maybe you don’t) related to day-to-day working or your career progression and/or for those who are simply keen to do all they can to progress their careers.Some people get promoted through technical ability and then struggle as the responsibilities in their new role differ, or they can’t be promoted until they work on their non-technical skills such as managing others, business development and building strategic relationships.This book reveals why these skills matter, and provides practical guidance on how to put them into practice. It will help you move forward from where you are to be more fulfilled and successful at work.