Anne Jirsch is the creator of Future Visioning, an innovative new business tool rooted in her unique Future Life Progression system. With a focus on business, career and our working lives, Future Visioning will help anyone to get ahead in their chosen line of work.Change is going to come whether you are a hairdresser or the CEO of a huge international company, an IT consultant, a nurse, cafe owner or therapist and if you do not anticipate that change you will inevitably slip backwards. Just imagine if you had something that gave you the edge, that steered you in the right direction, filtering out erroneous information, leaving you to focus fully on exactly what you need to know. Future Visioning is a unique tool that will allow you to anticipate the way forward in your career or business, but also help you to thrive and enjoy the journey. It will help you navigate the best path to your future. Fusing clinical hypnosis, visualization and intuition work Future Visioning will help you tread your future work path. Using the 10 Future Visioning strategies in this book you will learn how to: &; Be guided by your intuition &; Tap into your creative genius &; Use every part of your brain &; Understand your unique way of processing information &; Stretch time &; Become your own futurist &; Find your tribe &; Understand your purpose &; Network & connect &; Allow flexibility and flowEach chapter contains both scientific and personal case studies alongside exercises for you to work through so that you can be the master of your future.