A multi-platform solution to the growing problem of burnout caused by prolonged stress. This undated journal spans 12 weeks with weekly lessons delivered through the pages of the journal alongside an online dashboard with lifetime access to video lessons in yoga, mindfulness, meditation, nutrition and breathwork.
Banish burnout and reclaim your calm with this innovative 12-week start-anytime journal.Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meetconstant demands. Burnout has become more than just a buzz word or a symptom of stress. With searches related toburnout rising on average 41% annually since 2017, and 77% of employees saying they’ve experienced burnout, it’s nowonder the World Health Organisation has started to take it more seriously. And that’s before the pandemic andworking-from-home burnout became even more prevalent.It was these worrying facts and her own experience of burnout that led mental-health advocate Bex Spiller to setup The Anti-Burnout Club, which has grown exponentially since launch in 2021. Bex has witnessed first-hand howburnout isn’t just reserved for high-flying execs at FTSE 100 companies. It’s creeping into our homes, making itimpossible for many of us to cope with all of the demandsof modern life.With this journal, Bex has created a multi-platform solution to a growing problem. Combining people’s love forpen and paper with the rise in online wellness apps and platforms, The Anti-Burnout Journal works fortraditionalists and technology lovers alike. This undated journal spans 12 weeks with weekly lessons and challengesto help beat burnout, delivered through the pages of the journal alongside an online dashboard with lifetime accessto video lessons in yoga, mindfulness, meditation, nutrition and breathwork, can be watched time and again.Alongside the lessons are weekly and daily pages that encourage journaling the more traditional way usingeverything you've learned. This multi-platform approach makes this journal completely unique and ensures that youcan use it in a way that suits you, without feeling more stress or overwhelm. This one-of-a-kind journal is theperfect gift to yourself or someone in need of self-care in this stressful world we live in and promises to help youslow down, reflect, find balance and restore a sense of calm.