Dive into this beautiful ABC of tips to discover the art of positive thinking A is for affirmation. B is for believe. C is for compliment. There's magic in making the best out of a bad situation, no matter what life throws at you. Luckily, there are plenty of little things you can do to brighten your outlook and bring a ray of sunshine to every moment. Whether you choose to try laughter therapy, take a digital detox or tap into the power of nature, this charming A-Z guide will help your inner optimist thrive, and show you how to bring more positivity into every day. Within these pages, you will find: An A-Z of simple tips to help you boost positive thinking A raft of calming affirmations and wise words to inspire you Activity ideas and fill-in sections to start you on your journey With ideas to nourish your mind, body and spirit, this little book will help you achieve a more balanced attitude to life and be positively you.