Treasure Book Making: Crafting Handmade Sustainable Journals

Автор: Natasa Marinkovic
Количество страниц: 224
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 19566228

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Описание товара: Treasure Book Making: Crafting Handmade Sustainable Journals

Divine Diary DIYs for the Innovative CrafterWith journal making projects, book binding techniques, and journal prompts, this Treasure Book Making guide has everything you need. Get ready to create personal journals by hand easily—without any extra book-binding tools!An affordable craft. Hobbies tend to require a big investment, but Author Natasa Marinkovic, creator of popular YouTube channel Treasure Books, focuses on upcycling the available materials around us. Learn how to make beautiful journals—without purchasing book-binding tools, use what you have! With the things you have at home, create projects that are both useful and beautiful. Fall into the world of book binding. This junk-journaling-how-to gives readers all of the details on how to make a book through step-by-step creative projects that will save you space and get rid of house clutter. This diary DIY is the ultimate space for your creativity to bloom and grow! Inside, you'll find:Illustrations and tips to jumpstart your creativity on DIY books Easy-to-follow instructions to structure and make a book for journaling and scrap keeping Lists of accessible materials to use—such as cereal boxes, scraps of paper, and everyday items like buttons and moreIf you enjoyed learning how to craft a book in Making Handmade Books, Hand Bookbinding, or journaling books like My Soul Pages, you’ll love Treasure Book Making.
Divine Diary DIYs for the Innovative Crafter#1 New Release in Book Making & BindingWith journal making projects, book binding techniques, and journal prompts, this Treasure Book Making guide has everything you need. Get ready to create personal journals by hand easily—without any extra book-binding tools!An affordable craft. Hobbies tend to require a big investment, but Author Natasa Marinkovic, creator of popular YouTube channel Treasure Books, focuses on upcycling the available materials around us. Learn how to make beautiful journals—without purchasing book-binding tools, use what you have! With the things you have at home, create projects that are both useful and beautiful. Fall into the world of book binding. This junk-journaling-how-to gives readers all of the details on how to make a book through step-by-step creative projects that will save you space and get rid of house clutter. This diary DIY is the ultimate space for your creativity to bloom and grow! Inside, you'll find:Illustrations and tips to jumpstart your creativity on DIY books Easy-to-follow instructions to structure and make a book for journaling and scrap keeping Lists of accessible materials to use—such as cereal boxes, scraps of paper, and everyday items like buttons and moreIf you enjoyed learning how to craft a book in Making Handmade Books, Hand Bookbinding, or journaling books like My Soul Pages, you’ll love Treasure Book Making.

Общая информация o: Treasure Book Making: Crafting Handmade Sustainable Journals

ID товара: 19566228
Категория: Книги о питании и здоровом образе жизни
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,01 x 0,2 x 0,25 м, 0,3 кг
Издательство: Yellow Pear Press
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Здоровый образ жизни и питание
Автор: Natasa Marinkovic
Количество страниц: 224
Год публикации: 2023

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