"My people matter" were the words Jody heard-words that echoed in her soul. Even from her earliest memories, Jody L. Dedon has always had a special connection with the Lord. She's felt His presence since childhood and learned to listen to His voice. Yet this time was different. As she was mentally spiraling due to a toxic work environment, Jody was fervently praying for answers. God finally had her full attention, and His words were clear. What was it that He wanted her to know? What was His message that He wanted revealed? Silent No More captures the whispers God wanted heard, the truths He wanted every person to know-that He does exist, and that each person matters and is valued more than they know. Jody L. Dedon's writing offers a lifeline for those seeking to understand their own value through the lens of God. Her honesty and vulnerability connects with anyone seeking to improve their lives and overturn the barriers to their personal and spiritual development. Within the pages of Silent No More, readers will find the permission to be their fullest, truest selves as they are empowered by the truth-one that can no longer be hidden. It has to be set free.