Out of Isolation is a collection of writing from the COVID-19 pandemic. From famous names such as Julian Fellowes, Tom Felton, Derren Brown and Alexander McCall Smith to historians, travel authors, poets, screenwriters, actors, the Dean of Canterbury and a Junior Doctor, the pieces range from personal reflections on life during the pandemic, to poems on love, to the diary of a journalist in Goma. This interesting and wide-ranging collection provides a fascinating insight into what was being written whilst the world was in isolation. Out of Isolation is raising money to support Shout 85258, an important charity that uses a free, 24/7 text messaging service to help anyone struggling to cope with their mental health. Susie Coreth will donate GBP1 from the sale of each book to Mental Health Innovations (reg charity no 1175670) to support its Shout 85258 24/7 mental health support service.