Dawn of Justice! In this volume of the best-selling Complete Case Files series, Dredd uncovers the House of Pain, a no-way-out, brutal torture prison for serial perps, and must stop Orlok from spreading a lethal bio-virus from beyond the grave! And, after a mysterious package is delivered to the Grand Hall of Justice, Dredd ventures into the Cursed Earth in search of answers that will unveil the history of the Judges, and their ascent to total power. Written by John Wagner (A History of Violence), Gordon Rennie (Warhammer), John Smith (Devlin Waugh), and Simon Spurrier (Hellblazer, X-Men), with art by Colin MacNeil (Strontium Dog: The Final Solution), PJ Holden (Fearless), Laurence Campbell (BPRD: Hell on Earth), Simon Fraser (Nikolai Dante), Paul Marshall (Thargs Future Shocks), Peter Doherty (Superman/Batman: Worlds Finest), and Inaki Miranda (Fables).