Following on from London Bus Routes One By One: 1–100, this volume takes a look at the next hundred routes in Transport for London’s spectrum, from 101 to 200. Spread out across the city and with a wealth of bus types from different operators, these busy services are caught amid 2021’s gradual changeover from diesel and hybrid buses to pure electric and hydrogen operation. All the routes have been subject to considerable change over the years they have been in existence, from extensions and re-routings to withdrawals and reuse of the same number, and later to operator changes in accordance with competitive tendering. Illustrated with over 180 up-to-date color photographs, this volume continues to build a snapshot of the fascinating modern London bus scene.
This volume takes a look at the next hundred routes in London’s spectrum, from 101 to 200. Spread out across the city, these busy routes have been subject to considerable change over the years they have been in existence. Illustrated with over 180 color photos, this volume continues to build a snapshot of the fascinating modern London bus scene.