In 1984 Peugeot launched the 205 1.6 GTi, which not only changed Peugeot's image forever, but also set a new benchmark for 'hot hatches' eight years after the legendary Golf GTI had raised the bar. Weak points, rust traps, and potential mechanical defects are all laid bare by an expert for the would be buyer. Clear 205-specific photos illustrate problem areas and good points too, as well as model variations. The author also embraces customized and mechanically modified cars. A unique points scoring system lets you evaluate your potential purchase like and expert and also to determine which price category it should fall into. With both mileage and particularly condition having a marked affect on potential prices, the author gives sound advice on what is worth restoring and what, however tempting, is likely to cost a new owner an unrecoverable fortune. Weak points, rust traps, and potential mechanical defects are laid out for the reader, with clear 205-specific guidelines offered on the practicalities of rectifying such problems.