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Love Your Plot: Gardens Inspired by Nature: tips and tricks to transform your garden into a perfect paradise

Автор: Harry Rich, David Rich
Количество страниц: 304
Год публикации: 2017
ID товара: 13395191

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Описание товара: Love Your Plot: Gardens Inspired by Nature: tips and tricks to transform your garden into a perfect paradise

A full-colour and beautifully illustrated guide into transforming your existing garden or plot of land into a modern, visually-stunning - but also easily achieved and maintained - space. Including full-colour images and tips and tricks from gardening experts and Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal winners Harry and David Rich as well as suggestions tailored to various garden types, this is a must-read for anyone wanting that little bit of paradise to escape to at home... 'Full of creativity and good ideas... plenty here to whet the appetite of an aspiring garden designer' -- Gardens Illustrated 'Love Your Plot is a book to read right through and then dip into again to bring a particular idea or method of working back into focus.' -- Garden Design Journal 'Very inspiring' -- ***** Reader review 'This book is a joy to own, beautifully written and illustrated. It's crammed with information, easy to read and fantastic inspiration' -- ***** Reader review 'Awesome book. Clear and easy to understand with lots of useful tips' -- ***** Reader review 'Best book ever for any garden designer - an excellent read' -- ***** Reader review 'A gold mine of garden design wisdom' -- ***** Reader review ***************************************************************************** ************************ Fusing conceptual garden design with the beauty of the natural landscape, twice Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal winners and stars of BBC's Garden Rescue Harry and David Rich are here to show you how you can transform your outdoor space into a beautiful Eden, no matter what plot you have. In Love Your Plot Harry and David set out to help you transform your outdoor space into an inspiration green haven by making nature work for you. Fusing different outdoor elements, such as coastal and woodland landscapes, alongside key design principles, they will show you how to create a modern, practical and visually stunning outdoor space that will awe and inspire - and that is crucially easy to maintain. Complete with practical tips, unique sketches and designs, planting suggestions and stunning full-colour visuals, Love Your Plot will have you reaching for the spade and wellies in no time at all to create your own Eden, no matter what plot you've got.

Общая информация o: Love Your Plot: Gardens Inspired by Nature: tips and tricks to transform your garden into a perfect paradise

ID товара: 13395191
Категория: Книги по садоводству
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,02 x 0,19 x 0,25 м, 0,94 кг
Издательство: Cornerstone
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Мягкий
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: Книги о садоводстве
Raamat väljavõttega: Нет
Автор: Harry Rich, David Rich
Количество страниц: 304
Год публикации: 2017

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