Physical Therapy For Intervertebral Disk Disease: A Practical Guide To Diagnosis And Treatment

Автор: Doris Broetz, Michael Weller
Год публикации: 2016
Количество страниц: Не указано, Не указано
ID товара: 11892258

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Описание товара: Physical Therapy For Intervertebral Disk Disease: A Practical Guide To Diagnosis And Treatment

For physical therapists, this guide explains how to diagnose and manage back pain and restricted spinal function caused by intervertebral disk damage. It addresses general principles like anatomy, pathophysiology, pain, functional limitation, epidemiology, and risk factors; medical history, clinical examination, and technical diagnostic procedures; diagnosis in physical therapy; types of therapy, the course of treatment, and psychosocial, functional, and temporal aspects, as well as basic procedure, mobilization of the nervous system, assessment of the therapy, indications for surgery, and postoperative therapy; diagnosis and treatment for the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine; rehabilitation and prevention; diseases occurring in association with prolapsed disks; psychosocial risk factors; summaries of selected research studies on spinal disorders; and the significance, types, and objectives of clinical studies. Access to online content is provided. Annotation ©2016 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR ( Patients with pain emanating from their spines represent some of the most frequent and challenging cases for physical therapists. Here is a comprehensive and practical introduction to the management of back pain and restricted spinal function caused by intervertebral disk damage. The authors provide evidence-based, clinically oriented strategies for the diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of disk injury in the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spinal regions. The text gives an overview of research studies on the effects of physical therapy on back pain, step-by-step guidance on examination and conservative and postoperative physical therapy procedures, and detailed discussion of rehabilitation and prevention of further disk damage.Key Features:Extensive coverage of examination, from patient history to tests for assessing spinal movement to nerve conductionPrecise instructions and useful pointers on treatment methods aid in daily practiceChapter on basic principles of anatomy, physiology, and epidemiology offer foundational knowledgeCrucial information on approaches for rehabilitation and injury prevention, including strengthening, coordination exercises, and conditioningCase studies present clinical examples that guide the reader through the full course of therapy70 clear line drawings illustrate how to maintain correct posture; avoid poor posture; and protect and train muscles, nerves, and jointsPhysical Therapy for Intervertebral Disk Disease is a complete guide to the diagnosis and physiotherapeutic treatment of problems resulting from intervertebral disk damage. Practitioners and students of physical therapy, rehabilitation medicine, and occupational therapy will read this book cover to cover and refer to it regularly when working to relieve back pain and restore full capacity in their patients.

Общая информация o: Physical Therapy For Intervertebral Disk Disease: A Practical Guide To Diagnosis And Treatment

ID товара: 11892258
Категория: Пособия по изучению иностранных языков
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,01 x 0,17 x 0,24 м, 0,45 кг
Тип: Упражнения по английскому языку
Издательство: Не указано
Тип обложки: Мягкий
Формат: Традиционная книга
Raamat väljavõttega: Нет
Автор: Doris Broetz, Michael Weller
Год публикации: 2016
Количество страниц: Не указано, Не указано

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