Chinese Language Writing Workbook: An Introduction to Chinese Characters with Gridded and Lined Writing Sheets for Handwriting Practice (Free Online Audio Recordings)

Автор: Tuttle Studio
Год публикации: 2023
Количество страниц: 128
ID товара: 19115698

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Описание товара: Chinese Language Writing Workbook: An Introduction to Chinese Characters with Gridded and Lined Writing Sheets for Handwriting Practice (Free Online Audio Recordings)

Learn and practice how to write Chinese characters with this handy workbook! This essential workbook is designed for beginners to learn to write Chinese characters the correct way, and to provide an easy-format notebook of blank gridded & lined pages for writing practice. A brief introduction to Chinese pronunciation and tones is provided along with common greetings, expressions, and explanations of the eight basic Chinese writing strokes--and how they are combined to create characters. Stroke-order instructions and practice writing boxes are given for the 48 most common characters. Learners can write each character by simply following the directional arrows in the grids. The book then provides 110 additional blank lined and gridded pages for continued writing practice--extremely helpful to beginners to write and memorize the basic characters! At the back of the book, helpful tips are provided showing how characters are combined to form words and sentences. Complete vocabulary lists for the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK) Level 1 and Level 2 standard proficiency exams are also included. These lists contain all the characters which beginning first-year and second-year students are expected to learn. Free online audio recordings by native Chinese speakers provide the correct pronunciations of all the characters and words in the book.

Общая информация o: Chinese Language Writing Workbook: An Introduction to Chinese Characters with Gridded and Lined Writing Sheets for Handwriting Practice (Free Online Audio Recordings)

ID товара: 19115698
Категория: Пособия по изучению иностранных языков
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,19 x 0,25 м, 0,34 кг
Тип: Задания по китайскому языку
Издательство: Tuttle Publishing
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Мягкий
Raamat väljavõttega: Нет
Автор: Tuttle Studio
Год публикации: 2023
Количество страниц: 128

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Chinese Language Writing Workbook: An Introduction to Chinese Characters with Gridded and Lined Writing Sheets for Handwriting Practice (Free Online Audio Recordings)
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