Thriving in Part-Time Doctoral Study: Integrating Work, Life and Research

Автор: Jon Rainford, Kay Guccione
Количество страниц: 198
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 19108403

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Описание товара: Thriving in Part-Time Doctoral Study: Integrating Work, Life and Research

"Thriving in Part-Time Doctoral Study is a practical guide, designed to support part-time doctoral researchers in navigating their learning experience and providing them with the tools they need to succeed in academia, alongside the work and life challenges they may be facing. Featuring eight highly practical chapters, this book covers every aspect of the part-time doctoral journey from initial planning right through to completion. Easy to dip in and out of with realistic advice, learning points and reflective activities based on real experiences, this book: 1) Reflects a diversity of voices across academic disciplines 2) Features real world examples from doctoral researchers 3) Can be referred to throughout the doctoral journey This key resource will support the reader in considering how best to access and draw on the communities of support available, get the most from a supervisory team, and build professional networks. It recognises that each student's learning pathway is different and offers support to allow each individual to take control and make it their part time doctorate"--
Thriving in Part-Time Doctoral Study is a practical guide, designed to support part-time doctoral researchers in navigating their learning experience and providing them with the tools they need to succeed in academia, alongside the work and life challenges they may be facing. Featuring eight highly practical chapters, this book covers every aspect of the part-time doctoral journey from initial planning right through to completion.Easy to dip in and out of with realistic advice, learning points and reflective activities based on real experiences, this book: ? Reflects a diversity of voices across academic disciplines? Features real-world examples from doctoral researchers ? Can be referred to throughout the doctoral journeyThis key resource will support the reader in considering how best to access and draw on the communities of support available, get the most from a supervisory team, and build professional networks. It recognises that each student’s learning pathway is different and offers support to allow each individual to take control and make it their part-time doctorate. The ‘Insider Guides to Success in Academia’ offers support and practical advice to doctoral students and early-career researchers. Covering the topics that really matter, but which often get overlooked, this indispensable series provides practical and realistic guidance to address many of the needs and challenges of trying to operate, and remain, in academia.These neat pocket guides fill specific and significant gaps in current literature. Each book offers insider perspectives on the often implicit rules of the game – the things you need to know but usually aren’t told by institutional postgraduate support, researcher development units, or supervisors – and will address a practical topic that is key to career progression. They are essential reading for doctoral students, early-career researchers, supervisors, mentors, or anyone looking to launch or maintain their career in academia.
This book is a practical guide, designed to support part-time doctoral researchers in navigating their learning experience and providing them with the tools they need to succeed in academia. It covers every aspect of the part-time doctoral journey from initial planning right through to completion.

Общая информация o: Thriving in Part-Time Doctoral Study: Integrating Work, Life and Research

ID товара: 19108403
Категория: Книги по социальным наукам
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,14 x 0,22 м, 0,18 кг
Издательство: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Социология
Автор: Jon Rainford, Kay Guccione
Количество страниц: 198
Год публикации: 2023

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