Social Sciences: The Big Issues 3rd New edition

Автор: Kath Woodward
Количество страниц: 192
Год публикации: 2014
ID товара: 20827188
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Продавец: Minced 4.4

Описание товара: Social Sciences: The Big Issues 3rd New edition

"Social Sciences: The Big Issues third edition offers an introduction to the big debates within the social sciences and to what the social sciences can provide as a means of explaining the changing world. The social sciences focus upon people as individuals and as members of wider communities and networks, and look at all aspects of human relationships from the personal and intimate to the public and political. The book covers contemporary concerns with identities, citizenship, migration, diversity, new technologies, and the changing and often uncertain impact of globalization. The third edition has been extensively updated with new illustrations and examples, and additional discussion of the responses of the social sciences to the mobilities of contemporary life, such as migration, living in multiethnic and often rapidly changing communities, new forms of citizenship, the impact of the material world, the perception that we live in a more insecure and dangerous world and the role of the media in presenting ideas about the changes that might be taking place"--
"The social sciences are about people and the relationships between individuals and the social and material world we live in. They are about the social structures which shape - and are shaped by - social forces such as ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality and age and the bodies we inhabit. How are these relationships changing and to what extent and how can people influence change? What are the big issues which concern us today? How can the social sciences help us to understand what is going on? Social Sciences: The Big Issues third edition looks at what matters in terms of what is changing and what remains the same in contemporary life, bringing together personal concerns and social forces. Fully revised and updated, this book explores some of the debates about how we live our personal, domestic and emotional lives at a time of change and disruption, including economic crises and uncertainties. The issues covered include: changing selves and personal lives; the role of consumption and consumerism; materialism and material culture; as well as citizenship, migration and globalization as both opportunities and sources of inequality in the contemporary world and in everyday lives. The third edition of Social Sciences: The Big Issues provides a clear, accessible introduction to the ideas and approaches of the social sciences across a range of disciplines, including sociology, psychology and politics"--
The social sciences are about people and the relationships between individuals and the social and material world we live in. They are about the social structures which shape – and are shaped by – social forces such as ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality and age and the bodies we inhabit. How are these relationships changing and to what extent and how can people influence change? What are the big issues which concern us today? How can the social sciences help us to understand what is going on? Social Sciences: The Big Issues third edition looks at what matters in terms of what is changing and what remains the same in contemporary life, bringing together personal concerns and social forces. Fully revised and updated, this book explores some of the debates about how we live our personal, domestic and emotional lives at a time of change and disruption, including economic crises and uncertainties. The issues covered include: changing selves and personal lives; the role of consumption and consumerism; materialism and material culture; as well as citizenship, migration and globalization as both opportunities and sources of inequality in the contemporary world and in everyday lives. The third edition of Social Sciences: The Big Issues provides a clear, accessible introduction to the ideas and approaches of the social sciences across a range of disciplines, including sociology, psychology and politics.

Общая информация o: Social Sciences: The Big Issues 3rd New edition

ID товара: 20827188
Категория: Книги по социальным наукам
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Социология
Автор: Kath Woodward
Количество страниц: 192
Год публикации: 2014

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