Rewire for Wealth: Three Steps Any Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain for Financial Success

Автор: Barbara Huson
Количество страниц: 256
Год публикации: 2021
ID товара: 12228726
Продавец: Minced 4.4
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Описание товара: Rewire for Wealth: Three Steps Any Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain for Financial Success

"A groundbreaking, proven program for women looking to build wealth and invest with confidence According to studies, women's and men's brains process information differently-especially when it comes to money. As an experienced wealth coach and financial therapist, Barbara Huson has found that men view investing as a challenge whereas women view it as a threat. In The Rewire Response, she shows you how to conquer your fears, reset your goals, and retrain your brain to build wealth quickly, smartly, and effectively. This groundbreaking approach to wealth-building combines the latest neuroscience, psychology, and mind training techniques with more than two decades of financial expertise and hundreds of lectures and seminars. The Rewire Response is the culmination of the author's life work, a simple but powerful mind-realignment program that gives women the confidence, the courage, and the tools they need to improve the way they think about money. This book proves, without a doubt, that you can save, invest,and grow your wealth like a pro-when you put your mind to it"--
A groundbreaking program to help women create a habit of building wealth—from renowned financial therapist Barbara Huson (formerly Barbara Stanny)The men in her life had always handled Barbara Huson’s money: First her father (the “R” of H&R Block), and then her husband, a stockbroker who turned out to be a compulsive gambler. When tax bills arrived for over $1m for his illegal deals, her ex left the country, her father refused to help, and Huson—who’d always been “scared and intimidated by money”—realized she had to grow up financially, fast.Since that dramatic financial wake-up call, Huson has devoted herself to learning everything there is to know about women and money, and in Rewire for Wealth she goes to the very core of the disconnect between the two: According to multiple studies, women’s and men’s brains process information differently—and that has a profound effect when it comes to money. (Men, for example, view investing as a challenge; women see it as a threat.) Fortunately, you can “un-learn” previous bad lessons—and train your brain to process differently.In Rewire for Wealth, Huson offers a proven and integrative approach to re-wiring your brain. Using the latest neuroscience, psychology, and mind-training techniques with original research that includes more than 20 years of hard-won financial expertise, she shows you how to quickly but methodically eliminate maladaptive financial behaviors, and expand your ability to build wealth. By repeatedly applying a practical three-step formula—recognize, reframe, and respond differently—old brain circuits become weaker and new ones grow stronger, paving the way to a more confident approach to wealth building. You may never get a financial wake-up call as dramatic as Huson’s, but the real, positive, and life-changing power to take charge, now, is at your fingertips.

Общая информация o: Rewire for Wealth: Three Steps Any Woman Can Take to Program Her Brain for Financial Success

ID товара: 12228726
Категория: Книги по экономике
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,3 x 0,3 x 0,1 м, 0,2 кг
Издательство: McGraw-Hill Education
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Не указано
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: Не указано
Raamat väljavõttega: Нет
Автор: Barbara Huson
Количество страниц: 256
Год публикации: 2021

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