Game Physics Engine Development: How to Build a Robust Commercial-Grade Physics Engine for your Game 2nd edition

Автор: Ian Millington
Количество страниц: 552
Год публикации: 2010
ID товара: 15749634
Продавец: Minced 4.4
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Продавец: Minced 4.4

Описание товара: Game Physics Engine Development: How to Build a Robust Commercial-Grade Physics Engine for your Game 2nd edition

Physics is really important to game programmers who need to know how to add physical realism to their games. They need to take into account the laws of physics when creating a simulation or game engine, particularly in 3D computer graphics, for the purpose of making the effects appear more real to the observer or player.The game engine needs to recognize the physical properties of objects that artists create, and combine them with realistic motion. The physics ENGINE is a computer program that you work into your game that simulates Newtonian physics and predict effects under different conditions. In video games, the physics engine uses real-time physics to improve realism. This is the only book in its category to take readers through the process of building a complete game-ready physics engine from scratch. The Cyclone game engine featured in the book was written specifically for this book and has been utilized in iPhone application development and Adobe Flash projects. There is a good deal of master-class level information available, but almost nothing in any format that teaches the basics in a practical way. The second edition includes NEW and/or revised material on collision detection, 2D physics, casual game physics for Flash games, more references, a glossary, and end-of-chapter exercises. The companion website will include the full source code of the Cyclone physics engine, along with example applications that show the physics system in operation. --A truly accessible text that allows even novice programmers to create powerful physics engines for their games. --Covers particle effects, flight simulation, car pysics, crates, destructible objects, cloth and ragdolls, and more. --Supports each new concept with diagrams, code, end-of-chapter exercises and resources. --This edition includes completely NEW material on: collision detection, 2D physics, casual game physics for Flash games. --Powerful associated website offering: the full source code of the Cyclone physics engine, along with example applications that show the physics system in operation. The Cyclone engine has been used in commercial game development.
Physics is really important to game programmers who need to know how to add physical realism to their games. They need to take into account the laws of physics when creating a simulation or game engine, particularly in 3D computer graphics, for the purpose of making the effects appear more real to the observer or player.The game engine needs to recognize the physical properties of objects that artists create, and combine them with realistic motion. The physics ENGINE is a computer program that you work into your game that simulates Newtonian physics and predict effects under different conditions. In video games, the physics engine uses real-time physics to improve realism. This is the only book in its category to take readers through the process of building a complete game-ready physics engine from scratch. The Cyclone game engine featured in the book was written specifically for this book and has been utilized in iPhone application development and Adobe Flash projects.  There is a good deal of master-class level information available, but almost nothing in any format that teaches the basics in a practical way. The second edition includes NEW and/or revised material on collision detection, 2D physics, casual game physics for Flash games, more references, a glossary, and end-of-chapter exercises. The companion website will include the full source code of the Cyclone physics engine, along with example applications that show the physics system in operation. 

Общая информация o: Game Physics Engine Development: How to Build a Robust Commercial-Grade Physics Engine for your Game 2nd edition

ID товара: 15749634
Категория: Книги по экономике
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,01 x 0,19 x 0,24 м, 1,02 кг
Издательство: Taylor & Francis Inc
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Мягкий
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: экономика
Raamat väljavõttega: Нет
Автор: Ian Millington
Количество страниц: 552
Год публикации: 2010

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