Bound by Muscle: Biological Science, Humanism, and the Lives of A. V. Hill and Otto Meyerhof

Автор: Andrew Brown
Количество страниц: 224
Год публикации: 2022
ID товара: 16252159

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Описание товара: Bound by Muscle: Biological Science, Humanism, and the Lives of A. V. Hill and Otto Meyerhof

In Bound by Muscle, Andrew Brown details the lives and achievements of two physiologists, Archibald Vivian Hill (1886-1977) and Otto Fritz Meyerhof (1884-1951). Hill and Meyerhof shared the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discoveries related to metabolic changes underlying muscle activity. Bound by Muscle describes how Hill and Meyerhof's lives and careers intersected and diverged and how their work changed the course of biological science.Bound by Muscle is organized chronologically. The first four chapters consider Hill and Meyerhof's childhoods and early careers; subsequent chapters address the Nobel Prize nomination and award and how their lives were affected by the World Wars. Bound by Muscle details Hill and Meyerhof's scientific breakthroughs and professional accomplishments. The book also examines the historical context that shaped their work and how the two men differed. Hill embodied the pragmatic style of British science. He became an outspoken critic of fascism as well as an effective humanitarian. As a senior scientist, he played major roles in preparing Great Britain for World War II. In contrast, Meyerhof was shy and philosophical. A non-observant Jew, he was reluctant to leave his superb laboratory in Heidelberg as the Nazi threat became apparent. His dramatic eventual escape is described in detail for the first time. Throughout, Bound by Muscle reflects on how individual differences and historical eventshave shaped the trajectory of science.

Общая информация o: Bound by Muscle: Biological Science, Humanism, and the Lives of A. V. Hill and Otto Meyerhof

ID товара: 16252159
Категория: Книги по экономике
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,02 x 0,16 x 0,24 м, 0,49 кг
Издательство: Oxford University Press Inc
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип обложки: Не указано
Формат: Традиционная книга
Тип: экономика
Raamat väljavõttega: Нет
Автор: Andrew Brown
Количество страниц: 224
Год публикации: 2022

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