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A Patriot's Promise: Protecting My Brothers, Fighting for My Life, and Keeping My Word

Автор: Senior Master Sergeant Israel "DT" Del Toro, Jr. (Ret.) with T.L. Heyer
Количество страниц: 288
Год публикации: 2023
ID товара: 19077063
Продавец: Bookstore Krisostomos 4.9
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Описание товара: A Patriot's Promise: Protecting My Brothers, Fighting for My Life, and Keeping My Word

"An inspiring memoir of promises kept, overcoming obstacles, and what it means to sacrifice for others, written by a Special Warfare Operator with the Air Force. When Israel "DT" Del Toro, Jr.'s Humvee rolled over a roadside IED in Afghanistan, he had one thought as he lost consciousness: I have to keep the promise I made to my dad. DT was orphaned at the age of fourteen, and on the night before his father died, he repeated the promise his dad required: "Take care of your brothers and sisters." Throughout his childhood and into adulthood, DT indeed looked after his younger brother and sisters, even to his own detriment and sacrifice. When he enlisted in the Air Force, progressing in ranks as a skilled marksman calling airstrikes, his promise extended to his brothers and sisters in the Air Force, his fellow soldiers and brothers-in-arms. When DT was injured in action, he lay in a coma for three months with third-degree burns on 80% of his body. He nearly died three times, and doctors predicted - if he survived - he would forever breathe with a respirator and never walk again. DT pushed through every limit to his full recovery, and he became the first 100% disabled veteran to re-enlist in the Air Force. DT's promise to his dad extends now to his fellow wounded warriors throughout the world, as he advocates for awareness and affecting change in public policy for wounded, injured, and ill soldiers. He is a patriot who has kept his promise and changed the world with the spirit of his heart, soul, body, and mind"--
An Air Force Special Warfare Operator recalls his harrowing ordeal of surviving an IED attack in Afghanistan in order to keep a promise he made to his dying father to take care of his younger siblings. 50,000 first printing. Illustrations.
An inspiring memoir of promises kept, overcoming obstacles, and what it means to sacrifice for others, written by a Special Warfare Operator with the US Air Force.When Israel “DT” Del Toro, Jr.'s Humvee rolled over a roadside improvised explosive device in Afghanistan, he had one thought as he lost consciousness: I have to keep the promise I made to my dad. DT was orphaned at the age of fourteen, and on the night before his father died, he repeated the promise his dad had required of him: “Take care of your brothers and sisters.”Throughout his childhood and into adulthood, DT indeed looked after his younger brother and sisters, even to his own detriment and sacrifice. When he enlisted in the Air Force, progressing in ranks as a skilled marksman calling airstrikes, his promise extended to his brothers and sisters in the Air Force—his fellow soldiers and brothers-in-arms.When DT was injured in action, he lay in a coma for three months with third-degree burns on 80 percent of his body. He nearly died three times, and doctors predicted—if he survived—he would forever breathe with a respirator and never walk again. DT pushed through every limit to his full recovery, and he became the first 100 percent disabled veteran to reenlist in the Air Force.DT's promise to his dad extends now to his fellow wounded warriors throughout the world as he advocates for awareness and affecting change in public policy for wounded, injured, and ill soldiers. He is a patriot who has kept his promise and changed the world with the spirit of his heart, soul, body, and mind.

Общая информация o: A Patriot's Promise: Protecting My Brothers, Fighting for My Life, and Keeping My Word

ID товара: 19077063
Категория: Исторические книги
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,03 x 0,14 x 0,21 м, 0,3 кг
Издательство: St Martin's Press
Язык публикации: Aнглийский
Тип: Исторические
Автор: Senior Master Sergeant Israel "DT" Del Toro, Jr. (Ret.) with T.L. Heyer
Количество страниц: 288
Год публикации: 2023

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