The world's most famous hymn book has undergone a complete revision and now offers the broadest ever range of traditional hymns and the best from today's composers and hymn/song writers. 150 years since its first publication and after sales of 170 million copies, this brand new edition contains over 840 items, ranging from the Psalms to John Bell, Bernadette Farrell and Stuart Townend. The guiding principles behind this collection are: * congregational singability * biblical and theological richness * musical excellence * liturgical versatility * relevance to today's worship styles and to today's concerns New features include added provision for all the seasons of the Church year, new items for carol services and other popular occasions where the repertoire is in need of refreshing, more choices for all-age worship, fresh translations of some ancient hymnody, beautiful new tunes, short songs and chants - alleluias, kyries, blessings etc. and music from the world church. A full range of indexes (including biblical and thematic) and a helpful guide to choosing hymns for every occasion will help to make Ancient & Modern the premier hymn collection of choice. This is the Full Music edition.

Тип: Разделочные доски
Материал: Стекло
Количество приборов: 2
ID товара: 22854933
Продавец: Tulup 5
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Внимание! Сроки доставки являются предварительными, так как cроки обновляются в зависимости от фактического времени размещения заказа и оплаты. Окончательный срок доставки указывается продавцом после подтверждения заказа.

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31 мая


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31 мая


Внимание! Сроки доставки являются предварительными, так как cроки обновляются в зависимости от фактического времени размещения заказа и оплаты. Окончательный срок доставки указывается продавцом после подтверждения заказа.

Продавец: Tulup 5

Описание товара: The world's most famous hymn book has undergone a complete revision and now offers the broadest ever range of traditional hymns and the best from today's composers and hymn/song writers. 150 years since its first publication and after sales of 170 million copies, this brand new edition contains over 840 items, ranging from the Psalms to John Bell, Bernadette Farrell and Stuart Townend. The guiding principles behind this collection are: * congregational singability * biblical and theological richness * musical excellence * liturgical versatility * relevance to today's worship styles and to today's concerns New features include added provision for all the seasons of the Church year, new items for carol services and other popular occasions where the repertoire is in need of refreshing, more choices for all-age worship, fresh translations of some ancient hymnody, beautiful new tunes, short songs and chants - alleluias, kyries, blessings etc. and music from the world church. A full range of indexes (including biblical and thematic) and a helpful guide to choosing hymns for every occasion will help to make Ancient & Modern the premier hymn collection of choice. This is the Full Music edition.

Mõõtmed: 2 x 40 cm x 52 cm.

Köögipinna ja tööpindade kaitse libisemisvastaste, painduvate põrutuskindlate amortisaatorite abil. Naudi kõige ilusamaid ja populaarsemaid motiive Tulup'ist.

Pisikesed detailid, elavad värvid, püsivalt tänu UV-kaitsele, kuumus-, kriimustus- ja löögikindlus, kergesti puhastatavad ja veekindlad, 4 mm paksune ohutus- (kõvastatud) klaasist plaat, iseliimuvad, libisemisvastased kummist amortisaatorid (jalad).


  • Toode valmistatakse spetsiaalselt ja värskena teie jaoks. Komplektis on 4 mm kõrgused kummist jalad, mille saab ise paigaldada.

  • Palume märkida, et erinevate tootjate monitorid on erinevalt seadistatud, seega võivad tarnitud pildi värvid erineda ekraanil kuvatavatest värvidest.

  • Palun pidage meeles, et ostate tegelikust klaasist toote ning pakutavad motiivid tekstuurimaterjalidega, nagu "tekstiilid", "puustruktuur", "lihvitud roostevaba teras", "tellised" jne, on ainult trükitud.

  • ESG-turvaklaasi ei tohi ega tohiks lõigata. ESG-klaasi puhul viib igasugune järeltöötlus paratamatult klaasi hävimiseni.


Mitmekülgne: See mitmekülgne, mitmefunktsionaalne klaasplaat võib olla kasutusel nii induktsioon- kui ka keraamiliste pliitide kaitseks, samuti lõikelauana, toitude serveerimisel või köögi pliidi kaitseks.

Kõrgekvaliteetne trükk: Tänu uusimatele suureformaadilise trükitehnoloogiatele ei ole meie katted mitte ainult praktilised, vaid neil on ka ebatavaline värvide sügavus ja kõrgeima kvaliteediga pildiresolutsioon, muutes need igas köögis pilkupüüdvaks.

Hügieen ja puhtus: Erinevalt puidust lõikelaudadest ei imbu klaasist katted rasva ega vett, mis takistab bakterite teket ja ebameeldiva lõhna teket ajas.

Ohutus ja vastupidavus: Pakutavad lõikelauad on valmistatud tugevdatud turvaklaasist. See tüüpi klaas on löögikindel ja kriimustuskindel. Plaadi ülemine osa talub temperatuuri kuni 200 °C.

Suur pindala: See ühes tükis kate mõõtudega 2x 40 cm x 52 cm ja paksusega 4 mm tagab suure pinna ja kasutusmugavuse. Iseliimuvad, elastsed amortisaatorid (jalad) takistavad plaadi libisemist tööpinnal või köögi induktsioonpliidi peal.

Общая информация o: The world's most famous hymn book has undergone a complete revision and now offers the broadest ever range of traditional hymns and the best from today's composers and hymn/song writers. 150 years since its first publication and after sales of 170 million copies, this brand new edition contains over 840 items, ranging from the Psalms to John Bell, Bernadette Farrell and Stuart Townend. The guiding principles behind this collection are: * congregational singability * biblical and theological richness * musical excellence * liturgical versatility * relevance to today's worship styles and to today's concerns New features include added provision for all the seasons of the Church year, new items for carol services and other popular occasions where the repertoire is in need of refreshing, more choices for all-age worship, fresh translations of some ancient hymnody, beautiful new tunes, short songs and chants - alleluias, kyries, blessings etc. and music from the world church. A full range of indexes (including biblical and thematic) and a helpful guide to choosing hymns for every occasion will help to make Ancient & Modern the premier hymn collection of choice. This is the Full Music edition.

ID товара: 22854933
Категория: Разделочная доска
Количество упаковок товара: 1 шт.
Размеры и вес упаковки (1): 0,8 x 0,52 x 0,03 м, 6 кг
Тип: Разделочные доски
Материал: Стекло
Количество приборов: 2

Изображения продуктов приведены исключительно в иллюстративных целях и являются примерными. Ссылки на видео в описании товара предназначены только для информационных целей, поэтому информация, которую они содержат, может отличаться от самого товара. Цвета, надписи, параметры, размеры, функции и/или любые другие характеристики оригинальных продуктов из-за их визуальных характеристик могут отличаться от реальных, поэтому, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь со спецификациями продукта, приведенными в описании продукта.

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The world's most famous hymn book has undergone a complete revision and now offers the broadest ever range of traditional hymns and the best from today's composers and hymn/song writers. 150 years since its first publication and after sales of 170 million copies, this brand new edition contains over 840 items, ranging from the Psalms to John Bell, Bernadette Farrell and Stuart Townend. The guiding principles behind this collection are: * congregational singability * biblical and theological richness * musical excellence * liturgical versatility * relevance to today's worship styles and to today's concerns New features include added provision for all the seasons of the Church year, new items for carol services and other popular occasions where the repertoire is in need of refreshing, more choices for all-age worship, fresh translations of some ancient hymnody, beautiful new tunes, short songs and chants - alleluias, kyries, blessings etc. and music from the world church. A full range of indexes (including biblical and thematic) and a helpful guide to choosing hymns for every occasion will help to make Ancient & Modern the premier hymn collection of choice. This is the Full Music edition.
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