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<p>Гарантия: 2 года</p><p>Оперативная память (RAM): 16 GB</p><p>Жесткий диск (HDD): 2 TB</p><p>Жесткий диск (SSD): 240 GB</p><p>Операционная система: Windows 10 Home</p><p>Память видео карты: 4 GB GDDR5</p><p>Модель и номер процессора: Intel Core i7-860 2.80-3.46GHz</p><p>Видеокарта: Nvidia GeForce GTX1050Ti</p><p>Дисковод: DVD-ROM</p><p>Состояние товара: Renew</p><p>Модель: HP 8100 Elite SFF</p><p>Количество ядер: 4</p><p>Скорость шины процессора: 2.5 GT/s DMI</p><p>Объем кэш-памяти процессора: 8 MB</p><p>Количество разъемов модулей памяти: 4</p><p>Скорость жесткого диска: 7200 rpm</p><p>SATA контроллер: SATA3 (6Gb/s)</p><p>Тип видеокарты: Nvidia GeForce</p><p>Интегрированная сетевая карта: Intel 82578</p><p>Скорость сетевой карты: 10/100/1000 Mbit/s</p><p>Количество USB 2.0 портов: 10</p><p>Блок питания: 240 W</p><p>Размер компьютера (Д*Ш*В): 38*10*34</p><p>Размер упаковки (Д*Ш*В): 51*42*15</p><p>Тип процессора: Intel Core i7</p><p>Тип памяти: DDR3</p><p>Максимальный объём памяти: 16 GB</p><p>Внешние интерфейсы: RJ-45, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, Audio in/Audio out, Mic, 2 x PS2, RS232 (Com-port)</p><p>Вес: 9.0 kg</p>
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This textbook provides guidance to both students and practitioners of enterprise architecture (EA) on how to develop and maintain enterprise models. Rather than providing yet another list of EA notations and frameworks from A to Z, it focuses on methods to perform such tasks. The problem of EA maintenance, named Enterprise Cartography, is an important aspect addressed in this book because EA is a never ending challenge that increases as the organization transformations pace also increases. The long time perspective also entails the evolution of architectural frameworks and notations, something that does not occur when developing new models. Thus, a catalogue of patterns, principles and methods is presented to develop and maintain EA models and views. After a general introduction to the book in chapter 1, chapter 2 presents basic concepts for EA modeling. Chapter 3 further details the set of EA concepts needed to present the patterns, and principles, which are subsequently introduced in chapter 4. Next, chapter 5 describes enterprise cartography concepts and principles. The remaining book then turns to techniques and methodologies. In chapter 6 an EA development method is summarized. In chapter 7 an enterprise strategy design approach is proposed, while in chapter 8 a business process design methodology is described. Chapters 9 and 10 focus on information architecture and information systems architecture design approaches, including information systems architecture planning and application portfolio management. Eventually, chapter 11 describes a method for enterprise cartography (EC) design. Last not least, several case studies on EA and EC are proposed in the last chapter.
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