A boy orphaned by invaders. A strange fairy girl in the forest. A serpent god seeking blood. A book to turn darkness into light. Brendans uncle, Abbot Cellach, forbids him to set foot outside the walls of Kells. The Vikings are coming, he warns. But Brendan longs to help the famous illuminator, Aidan, with the Great Book. In the dark of the night he sneaks into the forest to collect ink berries for Aidan. There he is attacked by wolves, meets a strange fairy girl and stumbles on the cave of the evil Crom Cruach, the Dark One. Can Brendan outwit the serpent god? Will the Great Book ever be finished? And will the walls of Kells protect Brendan and the monks from the invading Vikings? Adapted from The Secret of Kells, the Oscar-nominated film by Cartoon Saloon, Les Armateurs, Vivi Film.