"Long John has a whole crew of wild pirates in tow, and--for one boy and his sister--he's about to transform a perfectly ordinary evening into a riotous adventure beneath a pirate moon. It's time to make some PIRATE STEW. Marvelously silly and gloriously entertaining, this tale of pirates, flying ships, doughnut feasts and some rather magical stew is perfect for all pirates, both young and old"--
A fantastically silly rhyming read-aloud adventure finds a sister and brother embarking on a riotous journey of the imagination with their colorful babysitter, pirate Long John McRon, who invites them to join his crew on a glorious flying journey of moonlight revels and magical feasts. 75,000 first printing. Simultaneous eBook. Illustrations.
Meet LONG JOHN McRON, SHIP'S COOK . . . and the most unusual babysitter you've ever seen. Long John has a whole crew of wild pirates in tow, and'for one boy and his sister'he's about to transform a perfectly ordinary evening into a riotous adventure beneath a pirate moon. It's time to make some PIRATE STEW. Marvelously silly and gloriously entertaining, this tale of pirates, flying ships, doughnut feasts and some rather magical stew is perfect for all pirates, both young and old.With a deliciously rhyming text from master storyteller Neil Gaiman and spellbinding illustrations by the supremely talented Chris Riddell, this is the picture book of the year! Pirate Stew! Pirate Stew!Pirate Stew for me and you!Pirate Stew, Pirate StewEat it and you won't be blueYou can be a pirate too!
Meet LONG JOHN McRON, SHIP'S COOK . . . and the most unusual babysitter you've ever seen. Long John has a whole crew of wild pirates in tow, and&;for one boy and his sister&;he's about to transform a perfectly ordinary evening into a riotous adventure beneath a pirate moon. It's time to make some PIRATE STEW. Marvelously silly and gloriously entertaining, this tale of pirates, flying ships, doughnut feasts and some rather magical stew is perfect for all pirates, both young and old.With a deliciously rhyming text from master storyteller Neil Gaiman and spellbinding illustrations by the supremely talented Chris Riddell, this is the picture book of the year! Pirate Stew! Pirate Stew!Pirate Stew for me and you!Pirate Stew, Pirate StewEat it and you won&;t be blueYou can be a pirate too!