The revision series for Pearson Edexcel GCSE Maths Designed for classroom and independent study, this Revision Guide includes a FREE online edition and complements the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Mathematics Student Book with a range of features: One-topic-per-page format helps you revise more quickly, without the hassle Exam-style worked examples match the new specification and demonstrate good exam technique 'Now try this' exam-style practice questions let you test your understanding of a topic Key formulae tell you exactly which formulae you need to learn for the exams Target indicator shows you exactly what level you're working at Problem solving support throughout including tricky questions on easy topics and strategies and techniques for answering harder questions Video worked solutions show you exactly how to answer tricky questions Complete coverage of the new specification including brand-new topics like functions and Venn diagrams Visual explanations of key concepts help you revise quickly and recall key skills in your exams With one-to-one page correspondence between this Guide and the companion Workbook, the hugely popular Pearson Revise series offers the best value available for GCSE students With FREE Pearson Revise App Take control of your revision and confidently prepare for exams anywhere, anytime. View all revision topics in one place, take quick quizzes, track your progress and link to the Revision Guide for more in-depth study. You will be able to enter the code from the book into the free app to unlock online pages from revision guide. (Available for Pearson Edexcel GCSE Maths, Science, History and Business from September 2020.)