Hilarious and scientifically accurate, this Nature Diary gives readers a bug's-eye-view of the life cycle of a stinkbug.Told in diary form, My Stinky Summer by S. Bug introduces readers to the stinkbug's life cycle and survival habits.From the day he is born, S. Bug hears the same refrain--"Ew! Stinkbug!" The stinkbug's odor is powerful protection against from predators. Perhaps too powerful. Readers will also learn about the challenges that arise when an ecosystem is pushed off-balance.Children will love poring over the bright, highly detailed illustrations and pondering ideas about ecosystems and nature.The book includes a glossary and further information in the back of the book. Both art and text have been vetted for accuracy by an expert.A Junior Library Guild Selection!Don't miss the other hilarious entries in The Nature Diary Series!Each one explores the life cycle of an animal in dated journal entries, showing young readers how they grow and change through the seasons-- and offering a few laughs, too! Brightly illustrated and vetted by experts, Paul Meisel's books are a perfect introduction to your backyard neighbors.My Awesome Summer by P. MantisCCBC Best-of-the-Year List, AAAS /Subaru Finalist, Leaping Lizards Top 10 Read-alouds, SCIENCE Best Books for Curious Kids, Virginia Readers' ChoicesMy Happy Year by E. BluebirdA Junior Library Guild SelectionMy Tiny Life by Ruby T. HummingbirdAvailable Spring 2021