My First Reading Book. This is an enchanting retelling of a timeless fairy tale, with bright and imaginative paintings by Ken Morton. Janet Brown's fresh and lively storyline is designed to appeal to youngsters, with appropriate vocabulary for those who are learning to read by themselves. The interactive pages encourage children to read, write and observe. This illustrated first reading book in a large, fun format is perfect for show-and-tell. Times are hard for Jack and his mother, so she asks the boy to sell their old brown cow. When Jack comes home with a handful of magic beans instead of money, his mother is furious. But during the night the beans grow into a giant beanstalk...The classic story is retold in this delightful book, illustrated throughout with engaging images. The simple vocabulary and familiar language mean that children can easily follow as you read or try for themselves, and a spot-the-difference puzzle at the back of the book provides a valuable aid to learning.