It's just an ordinary day at Mother Goose's Academy. There's Miss Good Fairy teaching the Three Little Pigs, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood to read and write - while Miss Bad Fairy is inciting the Ugly Sisters, the Big Bad Wolf, Troll, Wicked Stepmother, Wicked Witch and Jealous Queen to gobble them all up. The result? Chaos! Witty, fast-paced and anarchic, this is a complete story with ten short chapters ('C.A.T. Spells Dog', 'What Troll Learned', 'Snakes and Snails for Lunch') that take us through the school day. Originally published as Big Class, Little Class, this freshly illustrated reissue brings Francesca Simon and Tony Ross together again in a wonderful romp that Horrid Henry fans will revel in.