Unlike the singing cats of Staffa and the woolly cats of Loch Ba, Tobermory's ginger cat doesn't seem to have any special talents or notable attributes, until he is lauded for being himself.
In Tobermory, on the Scottish island of Mull, there lives a very special cat. But once upon a time he didn't think he was very special at all.
In the village of Tobermory, on the Scottish island of Mull, lives a very special ginger cat. But once upon a time he didn't think he was special at all - not like the woolly cats of Loch Ba, the singing cats of Staffa, or the fishing cats of Fishnish. In the village of Tobermory, on the Scottish island of Mull, lives a very special ginger cat. But once upon a time he didn't think he was special at all - not like the woolly cats of Loch Ba, the singing cats of Staffa or the fishing cats of Fishnish. But now everyone knows about him. He's the cat who has become a legend in his own lifetime by simply being himself. He's the cat who dances on top of the fish van; the cat who speaks to otters; the cat who drives the big yellow digger; the cat who rides on top of cars. He's the Tobermory Cat.