Children’s picture book by the illustrator of 'Little Honey Bee', 'Wales on the Map', 'Four Branches of the Mabinogi' and many more. A beautifully illustrated story about emigration and homesickness. A family leaves Wales in search of a better life in the USA, where their hand-stitched quilt proves a great comfort.
Children’s picture book by the illustrator of Little Honey Bee, Wales on the Map, Four Branches of the Mabinogi and many more. A beautifully illustrated story about emigration and homesickness. A little girl lives with her parents on a farm near the coast, around the turn of the twentieth century. Times are hard and the family decides to emigrate to the USA, raising the fare by selling all of their possessions except for a black and red quilt lovingly hand-made by the mother. The little girl feels homesick and sad at times, but the memories and love contained in the quilt help her overcome this and adapt to her new life. The book offers a message of hope which is sure to strike a chord with many adult readers: when things look bleak, remember that happy times will return.