Dorps are charming chubby little creatures, just over two thirds of a metre high and covered from the tip of their toes to the top of their little pointy heads in thick straggly white fur. They have long arms and large hands, short legs and wide-splayed feet - all the better for walking on deep snow. The only thing that sets them apart from Dorp copy-cats, is a tummy pouch in which they carry their food for the day. When the small village of Dorpington is attacked by King Spink's terrifying, fearsome henchmen, the Stompers, it can mean only one thing - the villagers have all been dragged-off to work as slaves in the evil King's mines. The only two surviving Dorps - Dongal and his little friend Doodle, are left with no-choice - they must set-off immediately on an amazing adventure to rescue their friends and families from the Stompers, armed only with their wits and... snowballs!