'Palm-tingling sensation ... captivating ... a completely convincing imaginative performance ... enthralling' The Times On the face of it, Ben Bradford is your standard Wall Street hot shot - Junior partner in a legal firm, 6 figure income, wife and two young kids straight out of a Gap catalogue. But along with the WASP lifestyle comes the sting - Ben hates it. He wants - has always wanted - to be a photographer. When he discovers his wife has fallen in love with another man, the consequences of a moment of madness force him to question not just the design of his life but the price of fulfilment. Because finding yourself means nothing when you're pretending to be someone else. From the picket fences of yuppie New England to Montana's untouchable splendour, The Big Picture spans states and states of mind in a thrilling novel of genuine originality. Reviews for The Big Picture 'The Horse Whisperer recast by Patricia Highsmith ... a compulsive page-turner and a dark moral fable' Mail on Sunday 'Kennedy's skill is to send you racing down the slope of sheer story' Esquire