City boys Daniel and Charles have worked for years in the financial sector selling stocks, shares and other assets. As their lifestyles and personal expenses expand, they decide to start their own trading business. They believe they know how to realise their fortune in simple, if not always legitimate, ways. Involving their wives, everyone's behaviour begins to shift; things go from trust to dishonesty; their focus switches from financial independence to avoiding getting caught; and their methods transfer from use of their previously acquired knowledge to an ever-deepening involvement with international criminal organisations and their illegal practices. Soon, Daniel and Charles are facing insurmountable and unsavoury challenges both at work and in their family lives, all beyond their wildest expectations. The further their activities extend internationally, the deeper they find their difficulties developing at home. Scammers is a story of descent into deception, dishonesty, greed and criminality that will scare anyone who thinks that realising the perfect dream is simply a case of building on seemingly good relationships, combined with maximising financial opportunities by simply bending and breaking a few simple rules.