TRUTH. LIES. IT CAN BE HARD TO TELL THEM APART. When a bomb goes off at InTech HQ, everything changes for Tanta's corporation. Order becomes disorder. Safety becomes danger. Calm becomes chaos. Tanta is tasked with getting to the bottom of the attack before violence and unrest overtake the city. But even though the evidence points towards rival corporation Thoughtfront, Tanta can't shake the feeling that she's missing something. There's a dark secret at the heart of the case, one that will reveal more about her own corporation than Tanta would like. And the closer Tanta gets to the mystery, the more she comes to realise something terrible: Sometimes facing the truth can be the hardest thing of all. * * * * * * * * * * Readers can't put down Louise Carey's latest technothriller: 'Totally riveting . . . so genuinely intense and so awe-inspiring that I was totally absorbed in the story. I thoroughly enjoyed Outcast with all its thrills and spills and twists and turns' Goodreads reviewer 'Plenty of action and some heartbreak for both along the way . . . the new POV character, Fliss, was a great addition . . . The ending (is] so intriguing that I absolutely have to find out what happens next' Goodreads reviewer 'Outcast is a sleek, smart, fast paced and hugely enjoyable SF thriller' Run Along the Shelves 'An entertaining and gripping technothriller that kept me turning pages . . . the plot kept me guessing' Goodreads reviewer 'I loved the dystopian world . . . (the ending] was unexpected but very satisfying . . . If you enjoy dystopian sci-fi stories with cyberpunk flair, you should check out this series' Netgalley reviewer 'Blew my socks off . . . Louise Carey's writing is top notch and she immerses the reader in the world . . . Tanta and Cole are as brilliant as ever . . . Outcast is a brilliant second outing for the pair and I enjoyed every page of it' Netgalley reviewer