In a celebrity-obsessed world can absolute celebrity fame and idolisation be exploited to gain absolute power... opening the gates of hell... ? At a worrying time when the once-clear line between celebrity stardom and political leadership on the world stage has become blurred, a handsome brooding Romanian street hustler emerges in Britain as a new messiah. Initially Serghei's goal is to become famous as a talented magician, but, when his Svengali-like manager convinces the public that Serghei's magic is real and he has God-given powers, then an explosive chain reaction is sparked, which cannot be stopped. Serghei's meteoric rise to fame turns into adulation and his charismatic charm encourages hero worship to the point of deification. Dark political forces spot the immense potential of this new messiah and underhandedly usurp his mass popularity for their own ends... lifting the lid on a Pandora's box which threatens British democracy...